Protein digestion and absorption is a bigger matters of concern than consumption. In absence of them, you will end up experiencing a number of disorders like gas, constipation, gas, ligament laxity, trouble in muscle building, depression, and others.

Generally, people talk about the sources of protein, supplements, dosages, and benefits but ignore protein absorption completely. No matter in which fitness regime you are or the quality of protein supplements, if protein is not digested and absorbed properly, you can’t see significant results. Infact, there may be some complications like mentioned above, though. Let’s know about the protein and all about it’s absorption before jumping to any conclusion.

What is protein? 

Protein is a group of amino acids that is crucial for healthy growth of organs, muscles, hair, hormones, tissues, enzymes, and bones. Also it helps in maintaining their health and repair. The body needs 20 amino acids out of which it can only make 11. Other nine of them, the body takes through protein rich meals.

What Are Protein Rich Foods?

All the amino acids can be attained with a protein rich diet. Here are some protein rich meals you must consider to include your diet.

  • Chicken, Eggs, Duck, Bush Birds, Turkey & Other Poultry
  • Lamb, Pork, and Other Lean Meats
  • Crab, Prawns, Scallops, Mussels, Fish, and Other Sea Foods
  • Milk, Cheese, Curd, Yoghurt, and Other Dairy Products
  • Whey, BCAAs, Isolate, Casein, and Other Supplements

What Are The Nine Essential Amino Acids?

In the body, nine such amino acids are found that it can’t produce itself. So, the body needs them from external sources like meals. That is why these are called essential amino acids. Here are these:

  • Tryptophan
  • Histidine
  • Valine
  • Isoleucine 
  • Leucine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine

Out of these nine essentials, there are three essentials which are called BCAAs and that are: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine.

What are the habits to increase protein digestion and absorption?

Only by following the right kinds of habits, people can avoid the consequences of undigested protein. All these habits are easy to perform but very effective in improving both the digestion and absorption.

  • Choose right source of protein
  • Eat throughout the day regularly
  • Increase the whole protein meal which include all essential aminos
  • Chew the food properly. Many people suggest to chew a bite 32 times
  • No intense workout immediately after meal
  • Keep at least 30 to 45 minutes gap between training and meal
  • Big no to smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Take probiotics with meal
  • Follow an exercise routine daily
  • Add fibre in your meal
  • Don’t just eat protein once in a day, in fact, eat it throughout the day
  • Choose right meal combinations for protein